Well, it is Monday already! The weekends go by way too fast. Can we just do away with Mondays? Two Saturdays in a week would be best. A Saturday before Sunday and a Saturday after Sunday. That would always ensure a 3 day weekend! Just a thought....
For all you Bethanne fans, just some information.......
WARNING: This could get graphic....prepare yourself!
As you know, my sister (Bethanne) is now in Disney with Mickey. While she is away, I thought it would be good to talk about her....you know, in hopes that when she returns, she will have sooooo many blogs to read that she will miss the details of mine! (It could be the green-eyed monster coming out right now!) I've recently noticed that there seems to be a recurring theme in several of Bethanne's blogs discussing the fact that I, her oldest sister, MAYBE "made her eat dog food when she was little". This is actually a matter of perception and a very misleading statement that I would like to present in a different light. From my point of view, I did not (repeat DID NOT) force dog food into her mouth. I did, however, make a simple suggestion that she could taste the dog food and she apparently thought it was a good idea also because she did. She is obviously alive and well today. Therefore dog food is not bad for humans!
Now most of you have this picture in your head of this mean older sister forcing dog food down the sweet little Bethanne's throat. This most definitely was not the case! There could have been some serious behind the scenes issues here. Let me paint a very different picture.............
as the older sister, there were times that my sweet, darling little sister wanted to sleep in my bed with me just as many sisters like to do. With Bethanne, she apparently only wanted to sleep in my bed when she was not feeling well. I only learned this the hard way! I would estimate that approximately 98% of the times she slept with me, I was awakened in the middle of the night and found myself laying in a pool of "throw up". In my younger days, I had very long hair....not a good combination! It was extremely uncomfortable on my part and has left me with serious adverse reactions to throw up to this day. The loss of sleep, waking abruptly in the middle of the night, taking a lengthy shower to clean my LONG hair, and change sheets on my bed has potentially created many issues in my life today. Many of you may not know this, but Bethanne was quite the throw up child....at least that is my memory. Can I get any sympathy here????? My mother (Anchored on the Rock) can verify the validity of this.
And another thing......there is a difference of 6 years in our ages. Bethanne and I were very lucky to have Grandparents that spoiled us. Prior to the arrival of my sister, I did have some advantages to being the only grandchild. Needless to say, some of the attention was diverted when she was born. For instance, I use to be able to take an extra trip to the beach each year with my grandparents. However, when Bethanne was born, they were not able to take 2 little ones to the beach, and it wouldn't be fair to take me and not her, blah, blah, blah, so.....one less beach trip every year....and you know how much I love the beach! (checkout previous blog) Get the picture? Any sympathy yet????
And another thing.....remember the Grandparents that spoiled us? Well, when I was 16, my Grandfather bought me a brand new car! Much to my dismay, it would not be fair to give me a car and not my sister. (I see a pattern here. How much sense does that make? She was 10!) So, my Grandfather told her that 1/2 the car was hers. Obviously I had a license, therefore, the drivers side was mine. Unfortunately, the radio controls fell on her side of the car. And she used her Grandfather-given power to control the radio! (Technically the volume and the on/off button were on my side :)) I won't even mention the blackmail that she used as needed to force me to drive her places that she wanted to go in her 1/2 of the car. Just a side note...she also received a car when she was 16 but I was not 1/2 owner. Sympathy please????
These are just a few unknown facts about my sister Bethanne. I know you have all felt much sympathy for me over the past few minutes of reading. You can probably even understand the dog food situation now. I guess, looking back on things, all the normal sibling "stuff" provides great laughs and memories. Knowing her, she will have plenty of rebuttals when she returns and maybe even a different perspective....I really can't imagine how though!
I wonder if I will get a present from Disney???? Do you think I messed that up?
Really and truly, what would I have done or even do now without my sister. There were many times that we were all we had and we stuck together. Sisters share alot of memories that no one can take away. Overall, she is a great sister! You can see that we love to pick on each other (and we especially like to gang up on our Dad). Even with all the throw up, dog food, bossiness and blackmail we are still sisters!
Now that I have ratted her out on some things, here is a little poem (I didn't write it) just for my sister Bethanne:
A sister's love is special
in oh so many ways
Now miles stretch between us
and minutes turn to days.
We've shared so much as children
the tears, the joy, the pain
A lifetime spent together
those memories remain.
In times gone by we've pondered
the paths our lives have taken
Knowing that in spite of this
our sister love unshaken.
A sister's love is special
in ways that are unspoken
Still that binding force exists
our sister love unbroken.
Author Unknown
1 day ago
Well ! I wanted to be first in saying, you gals are just crazy. There's no doubt in my mind that this really didn't settle the dog food issue. I guess we would have had to be there at the time to really know. You see, I pretty much know both you and Bethanne like the back of my hand. Tit for Tat and I remember how you liked to trick her and how she liked to rat on you. Here's the real message of your blog. You love your sister as much as anyone could love a sister and I know that Beth loves you the same. I'm just thankful to God for daughters who love each other, love your mom and dad but more than that, I believe you really love the Lord Jesus more than ever. For that I am most thankful and grateful to be your Dad. Loving you girls is the thrill of my life. Dad
You do have my sympathy...for sure! I think we are the same age....or about the same age. I had an older brother...10 years older. NO sisters, so I get a chuckle out of the "banter".
Thanks for stopping by my blog.
All kidding aside, I adore your sister and your mother...you are blessed!
And the comment from your dad...shew! that almost brings tears. for real..I was a daddy's girl....miss him alot...you are blessed again.
Don't ever lose that wonderful relationship that you have with your sister.
Thanks for visiting my blog. I see that "sense of humor" is definitely an inherited trait. I now have Eddie, Donna, Beth, and you to read. I beginning to feel like part of the fam. I go to church with Beth so your "dirt" on her could prove quite useful...you know she is rather "sainted" around there. Hee Hee!! Just kidding...I love her and your mom. Your mom and I went through FirstPlace together last spring and she really helped me and prayed for me during that time. You are blessed to have so many people in your life who love the Lord and are sold out to Him and his service.
I am so glad you got all that off your chest! Now, I can't wait to see the first blog after your sister reads this. How blest your Dad and I are to have you both!
This is very entertaining.
Okay, this is quite fun...finding out that you are Bethanne's sister. I was coming over to say "hello" and thank you for your comment awhile back...now I'm so glad I didn't miss this. Nice to "meet" you!
Okay, I was gong to be mad, but since you posted the poem that you didnt write, I will forgive you (mostly). I love you!
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