OK...I'll bite.
A is for age25
42 I think
B is for burger of choice
C is for what car you drive
Honda Accord
D is for Dog's name
I have 2 - Allie and Jeremiah
E is for essential item you use every day
I would have to agree with Beth that makeup is very essential
F is for favorite tv show at the moment.
I don't really have a favorite but I do like reality TV
G is for Favorite game.
Mahjong Medley on the computer
H is for Hometown
Blountville, TN (aka Blount-vegas)
I is for instruments you play
Piano...barely - use to play Clarinet....barely
J is for favorite juice
Any kind of Cranberry...
K is for who you'd like to kiss
Nobody except family....don't like people in my space
L is for last restaurant you ate at
The Crazy Tomato
M is for your favorite Muppet
I don't know my choices...I forget
N is for number of piercings
2 in each ear....that makes 4
O is for overnight hospital stays
Quite a few....I have had 3 children and a few surgeries
P is for people you were with today
Co-workers, husband, Zach
Q is for what you do with your quiet time
Homework, TV, blog, myspace, etc.
R is for biggest regret
I'm not sure if it is the biggest but I wish I had finished school sooner
S is for status
T is for time you woke up today
I am out of ambien so several times last night...ultimately around 7:30am
U is for what you consider unique
I can also pick things up with my toes like Bethanne and now that I read her answer I can't think of anything else...I'll "cheat" off her survey!
V is for vegetable you love
I don't like vegetables....is chocolate a vegetable?
W is for worst habit
Not folding laundry in a timely manner
X is for number of x-rays you've had
A few
Y is for yummy food you ate today
Manicotti, salad with extra bleu cheese dressing
Z is for zodiac sign
1 day ago
Yep..we are the same age...I just turned 42. I knew I liked you for some reason.
THat's funny because I remember going with my parent and seeing it's a small world..the tune stil, rings in my head adn I can visualize being on a little boat and all the little people on the banks of the ride.
I also like the haunted mansion and the Magic Carpet....the 360 degree movie screen. It may not even be there.
M should ALWAYS always be Miss Piggy! =)
uh huh....about that detox......I'll get back to you in eight days!! ha!ha! That is if I make it that long!!!lol!
Btw...thanx for visiting my blog!
It's time to post again, because I'm thinking that people are going to think you and Beth both crazy for just talking about picking things up with your toes. It was great seeing you at church Monday night. Love you bunches Dad
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